Xinyue Luo
Rebirth, fabric paint on dress, 160 x 40 cm, 2021
My current family has taught me the great lesson that love is the best way to heal wounds, calm troubled mind, and achieve long-lasting happiness. As one of my favourite thinkers Ilia Delio said: “love is the deepest good that recog- nizes the good of another.” Thus, in the future society, love may be the best way to solve the conflicts of gender inequality. Entering the water is a way to em- brace love, to connect to the whole.
I chose to paint on a white dress to explore the new possibility of painting. The outer layer of the white organza represents my memories, which connect damaged fragments. As memories represent an actual part of history, I chose to place them on the surface to be visible. However, human beings are used to hiding their fragility and weakness, and I found camouflage to be the best symbol to represent the idea of hiding.
Hands II
Hands I
Left and Right Brain
In the Center of the World
Under the Skin
Cross within Us
The second layer of silk is mainly used to display a rational and representational perspective to convey a solution to these vulner- abilities, which is the energy form of love. The emergence of life brings energy. The mind born with the life. There is also a obvious connection between ourselves and the universe. The organza cov- ered on top shows that the future is unknown and yet to come.
Finally, for the presentation of the entire piece, I connected the painted scars on my body to the painted dress and let the water to represent the universe. I view the relationship of the uni- verse, and human beings as mirror images of each other, and water is the excellent medium for transcendence. I curled up and danced in the water to embrace the coming evolution.